Upcoming presentations (is updated)

It looks like it will be a busy schedule with talks below 2025 and below I have listed the confirmed talks. You can find more information about each talk if you follow the links (which will be updated continuously). Do you want to book a lecture?? Email me gladly!


4 February: Oland. Nötodling. Organizer: Ölands trädgårdsvänner och Naturskyddsföreningen Öland.
5 February: Oland. Plantera ätbart i offentlig miljö. Organizer: Ölands trädgårdsvänner och Naturskyddsföreningen Öland.
28 March. Trädgårdsmässan Älvsjö. Yrkesseminarium Skogsträdgårdarnas olika dimensioner. Organizer: FOR.
9 april: Järbo. Forestry Horticulture. Organizer: Svenska kyrkan.
17 May: Tomelilla, Österlen Garden Show.
2 June: Skellefteå, Forest horticulture in the north. Organizer: Skellefteå garden society.
19 October: Norberg, Forestry Horticulture. Organizer: Norbergs Trädgårdsförening.

8 thoughts on “Upcoming presentations (is updated)”

  • 10 sept I am interested in Västerort, very interested. I am in the process of creating a forest garden out in the archipelago. How do I register??

    • What fun! There will be more information about the talk in a few weeks as far as I know and then I will add a link. I actually don't know if pre-registration is required, it is Västerorts Trädgårdsällskp that organizes the talk.

  • Hi! Is very interested in nut farming, but lives up in the Orsa area. Will you have anything closer here about it? Otherwise, I aim to get to Arvika.

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